On November 11, 2023, the 10th Golden Netsuke Awards Ceremony took place at Kyoto Seishu Netsuke Art Museum.
It was attended by H.I.H. Princess Hisako Takamado, the Ambassadors of Sweden, the U.K., Finland and their spouses, as well as the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture and the Mayor of Kyoto City. It was followed by the luncheon, to which the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs joined.
Congratulatory addresses and trophies were presented to the eight awarded artists, the number of which is greater than usual as this year marks the 10th anniversary of the ceremony.
Congratulations to the following eight artists for their awards!
Grand Prix: Oikawa Kukan and Kurita Motomasa
Awards of Excellence: Shishido Toun and Ito Tadatsuna
Chairman’s Award: Miyazaki Teruo
Special Awards: Kagami Mitsukuni, Nakahata Taisei, and Yura Kaoruko

together with award-winning artists

Mrs. Bunran Wendy Makino wrote a more detailed English article with the photos of awarded netsuke, which will be published in the International Netsuke Society Journal, Winter 2023 (Vol. 43, No. 4).
International Netsuke Society: https://www.netsuke.org
Kyoto Seishu Netsuke Art Museum: https://www.netsukekan.jp/en/
Photo courtesy of Kyoto Seishu Netsuke Art Museum