I will post videos on how to use carving tools and other useful topics in regards with netsuke carving.
The first video that I have posted (for beginners) is how to cut a material with a hand saw. In this video, my father as a pro gives an instruction, and I as a pure beginner follows it.
The saw used in this video is no longer available, but a similar saw like the following can be used instead: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005WGB830/ref=nosim?tag=koryuen99599-20
Our conversations are in Japanese, but I hope I can add English subtitles in the future.

My mother happens to join us briefly in the end!
I will also post videos on how to use files and hidari-ba carving knives soon. (I’m sorry that some videos including this one are not in good quality.)
A panoramic photo of my father’s studio has been posted on Koryuen’s Backyard, so please click here and take a look!
Komada Makiko
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