[Exhibition / Shizuoka prefecture] Miniature Crafts in White: Craftsmanship in Narwhal Netsuke from the Kurebayashi Collection and Kinoshita Collection

Kakegawa Ninomaru Museum of Art
January 11 – March 23, 2024
Note: Closed on Mondays (open if it falls on a national holiday and closed on the following day). Also close don February 12-14 to change some of the objects on display)

This is a special exhibition of some 200 works of narwhal netsuke and tobacco pouches drawn from the collection of Mr. Kurebayashi Mikio who has devoted himself in studying and collecting narwhal netsuke. Tobacco implements from the Kinoshita Collection will also be on view.

Kakegawa Ninomaru Museum of Art

Address: 1142-1 Kakegawa, Kakegawa-shi, Shizuoka 436-0079
Directions: 10 minutes’ walk from Kakegawa Station (JR line)
Website: https://k-kousya.or.jp/ninomaru/

Leaflet, Kakegawa Ninomaru Museum of Art, 2024